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Welcome to the Submissions Portal
for the 2025 R&D 100 Awards!

To be eligible for R&D 100 Awards consideration, your product or service must have been made available to the marketplace between January 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. To submit a product or service:

  1. Create an account or log in at: https://rd100.secure-platform.com/a.
  2. Follow the easy-to-use submission process, which opens on March 5, 2025. Click here to start a submission.
  3. You will be sent an email confirmation when your entry is finalized and paid.
  4. Once you pay for your entry(ies), your submission(s) is locked and cannot be changed.
  5. To revise your entry after you have paid and finalized, you may request to have your entry opened for editing via the link in your confirmation email. 
  6. To submit additional products, simply log in and select begin a new Submission
  7. Submission deadline ($495 each): Friday, May 2nd, 2025.
  8. Late submission deadline ($595 each): Wednesday, June 4th, 2025.


For questions, please email pheney@wtwhmedia.com.

For FAQs, please click here


